博凯尔先生__Booth Tarkington.pdf

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英文名著3000 本 Monsieur Beaucaire by Booth Tarkington 1 英文名著3000 本 Chapter One The young Frenchman did very well what he had planned to do. His guess that the Duke would cheat proved good. As the unshod half-dozen figures that had been standing noiselessly in the entryway stole softly into the shadows of the chamber, he leaned across the table and smilingly plucked a card out of the big Englishmans sleeve. Merci, M. le Duc! he laughed, rising and stepping back from the table. The Englishman cried out, It means the dirty work of silencing you with my bare hands! and came at him. Do not move, said M. Beaucaire, so sharply that the other paused.Observe behind you. 2 英文名著3000 本 The Englishman turned, and saw what trap he had blundered into;then stood transfixed, impotent, alternately scarlet with rage and white with the vital shame of discovery. M. Beaucaire remarked,indicating the silent figures by a polite wave of the hand, Is it not a copliment to monsieur that I procure six large men to subdue him? They are quite devote to me, and monsieur is alone. Could it be that he did not wish even his lackeys to know he play with the yong Frenchman who Meestaire Nash does not like in the pomp-room?Monsieur is unfortunate to have come on foot and alone to my apartment. The Dukes mouth foamed over with chaotic revilement. His captor smiled brightly, and made a slight gesture, as one who brushes aside a boisterous insect. With the same motion he quel


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