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英文名著3000 本
The Fifth String
by John Philip Sousa
英文名著3000 本
The coming of Diotti to America had awakened more than
usual interest in the man and his work. His marvelous
success as violinist in the leading capitals of Europe,
together with many brilliant contributions to the literature
of his instrument, had long been favorably commented on
by the critics of the old world. Many stories of his
struggles and his triumphs had found their way across the
ocean and had been read and re-read with interest.
Therefore, when Mr. Henry Perkins,the well-known
impresario, announced with an air of conscious pride and
pardonable enthusiasm that he had secured Diotti for a
``limited number of concerts, Perkins friends assured
that wide-awake gentleman that his foresight amounted to
positive genius, and they predicted an unparalleled
success for his star. On account of his wonderful ability as
player, Diotti was a favorite at half the courts of Europe,
英文名著3000 本
and the astute Perkins enlarged upon this fact without
regard for the feelings of the courts or the violinist.
On the night preceding Diottis debut in New York, he
was the center of attraction at a reception given by
Mrs.Llewellyn, a social leader, and a devoted patron of
the arts. The violinist made a deep impression on those
fortunate enough to be near him during the evening. He
won the respect of the men by his observations on matters
of international interest, and the admration of the gentler
sex by his chivalric estimate of
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