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EN1092-1 兰标准 Flanges PN 6 EN 1092-1 Dimensions of PN 6 Flanges EN 1092-1 NOTE 1 : Dimensions N1, N2 and N3 are measured at the intersection of the hub draft angle and the back face of the flange. NOTE 2 : For d1 dimensions see document Flange facing according to EN 1092-1. Dimensions in mm * Above DN 600 dimension C1 is to be specified by the purchaser. ** For flanges type 21 the outside hub diameter approximately corresponds to the outside pipe diameter. NOTE : The p/t ratings from EN 1092-1 apply only for flange types 05, 11, 12, 13 and 21 having nominal sizes up to and including DN 600. The p/t rating of all other flanges shall be agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser. Flanges PN 10 EN 1092-1 Dimensions of PN 10 Flanges EN 1092-1 NOTE 1 : Dimensions N1, N2 and N3 are measured at the intersection of the hub draft angle and the back face of the flange. NOTE 2 : For d1 dimensions see document Flange facing according to EN 1092-1. Dimensions in mm * For flanges type 21 the outside hub diameter approximately corresponds to the outside pipe diameter, NOTE : The p/t ratings from EN 1092-1 apply only for flange types 05, 11, 12, 13 and 21 having nominal sizes up to and including DN 600. The p/t rating of all other flanges shall be agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser. Flanges PN 16 EN 1092-1 Dimensions of PN 16 Flanges EN 1092-1 NOTE 1 : Dimensions N1, N2 and N3 are measured at the intersection of the hub draft angle and the back face of the flange. NOTE 2 : For d1 dimensions see document Flange facing according to EN 1092-1. Dimensions in mm * For flanges type 21 the outside hub diameter approximately


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