新财富的危害(第三卷)__William Dean Howells.pdf

新财富的危害(第三卷)__William Dean Howells.pdf

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英文名著3000 本 A Hazard of New Fortunes V3 By William Dean Howells 1 英文名著3000 本 PART THIRD I. The scheme of a banquet to celebrate the initial success of Every Other Week expanded in Fulkersons fancy into a series. Instead of the publishing and editorial force, with certain of the more representative artists and authors sitting down to a modest supper in Mrs. Leightons parlors, he conceived of a dinner at Delmonicos, with the principal literary and artistic, people throughout the country as guests, and an inexhaustible hospitality to reporters and correspondents, from whom paragraphs, prophetic and historic, would flow weeks before and after the first of the series. He said the thing was a new departure in magazines;it amounted to something in 2 英文名著3000 本 literature as radical as the American Revolution in politics: it was the idea of self government in the arts;and it was this idea that had never yet been fully developed in regard to it. That was what must be done in the speeches at the dinner, and the speeches must be reported. Then it would go like wildfire. He asked March whether he thought Mr. Depew could be got to com; Mark Twain, he was sure, would come; he was a literary man. They ought to invite Mr.Evarts, and the Cardinal and the leading Protestant divines. His ambition stopped at nothing, nothing but the question of expense; there he had to wait the retur


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