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英文名著3000 本 The Essays of Montaigne, V9 by Michel de Montaigne Translated by Charles Cotton Edited by William Carew Hazilitt 1877 1 英文名著3000 本 CONTENTS OF VOLUME 9. I. Of the inconstancy of our actions. II. Of drunkenness. III. A custom of the Isle of Cea. IV. To-morrows a new day. V. Of conscience. VI. Use makes perfect. 2 英文名著3000 本 CHAPTER I OF THE INCONSTANCY OF OUR ACTIONS Such as make it their business to oversee human actions, do not find themselves in anything so much perplexed as to reconcile them and bring them into the worlds eye with the same lustre and reputation; for they commoly so strangely contradict one another that it seems impossible they should proceed from one and the same person. We find the younger Marius one while a son of Mars and another a son of Venus. Pope Boniface VIII. entered, it is said, into his Papacy like a fox, behaved himself in it like a lion, and died like a dog; and who could believe it to be the same Nero, the perfect image of all cruelty, who, having the sentence of a condemed man brought to him to sign, as was the custom, cried out,O that I had never been taught to write! so much it went to his heart to condemn a man to death. All story is full of such 3 英文名著3000 本 examples, and every man is able to produce so many to himself, or out of his own practice o



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