品质和其他__Galsworthy, John.pdf

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英文名著3000 本 Studies and Essays: Quality and Others by John Galsworthy 1 英文名著3000 本 Je vous dirai que lexces est toujours un mal.- ANATOLE FRANCE CONCERNING LIFE 2 英文名著3000 本 TABLE OF CONTENTS: QUALITY THE GRAND JURY GONE THRESHING THAT OLD-TIME PLACE ROMANCE--THREE GLEAMS MEMORIES FELICITY 3 英文名著3000 本 QUALITY I knew him from the days of my extreme youth, because he made my fathers boots; inhabiting with his elder brother two little shops let into one, in a small by-street- now no more, but then most fashionably placed in the West End. That tenement had a certain quiet distinction; there was no sign upon its face that he made for any of the Royal Family--merely his own German name of Gessler Brothers; and in the window a few pairs of boots. I remeber that it always troubled me to account for those unvarying boots in the window, for he made only what was ordered,reaching nothing down, and it seemed so inconceivable that what he made could ever have failed to fit. Had he bought them to put there?That, too, seemed 4 英文名著3000 本 inconceivable. He would never have tolerated in his house leather on which he had not worked himself. Besides, they were too beautiful--the pair of pumps, so inexpressibly slim, the patent leathers with cloth tops,


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