现代奴隶制度__LEO TOLSTOY.pdf

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英文名著3000 本 The Slavery of Our Times by Leo Tolstoy 1 英文名著3000 本 Preface / Introduction Chapter 1 - Goods Porters Who Work 36 Hours Chapter 2 - Societys Indifference While Men Perish Chapter 3 - Justification of the Existing Position by Science Chapter 4 - The Assertion of Economic Science that Rural Laborers Must Enter the Factory System Chapter 5 - WHY LEARNED ECONOMISTS ASSERT WHAT IS FALSE Chapter 6 - BANKRUPTCY OF THE SOCIALIST IDEAL Chapter 7 - CULTURE OR FREEDOM 2 英文名著3000 本 Chapter 8 - SLAVERY EXISTS AMONG US Chapter 9 - WHAT IS SLAVERY? Chapter 10 - Laws Concerning Taxes, Land and Property Chapter 11 - Laws the Cause of Slavery Chapter 12 - The Essence of Legislation is Organized Violence Chapter 13 - What are Governments? Chapter 14 - How Can Governments be Abolished? Chapter 15 - What Should Each Man Do? An Afterword 3 英文名著3000 本 Preface / Introduction They that take the sword shall perish by the sword. NEARLY fifteen years ago the census in Moscow evoked in me a series of thoughts and feelings which I expressed as best I could in a book called What Must We Do Then. Towards the end of last year (1899) I once more reconsidered the same questions, and the conclusions to which I came were the same as in that book. But as I think that during these ten years I have reflected on the questions discussed in What Must We Do Th more quietly and minutely in relation to the teachings at present existing and diffused among us, I now offer the read


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