一位庸医的自传__S.Weir Mitchell.pdf

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英文名著3000 本 The Autobiography of a Quack S. Weir Mitchell, MD, LLDTHE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A QUACKANDTHE CASE OF GEORGE DEDLOWBYS. WEIR MITCHELL, M.D.,LL.D. HARVARD AND EDINBURGH 1 英文名著3000 本 CONTENTS THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A QUACK THE CASE OF GEORGE DEDLOW 2 英文名著3000 本 INTRODUCTION Both of the tales in this little volume appeared originally in the ``Atlantic Monthly as anonymous contributions. I owe to the present owners of that journal permission to use them. ``The Autobiography of a Quack has been recast with large additions. ``The Case of George Dedlow was not written with any intention that it should appear in print. I lent the manuscript to the Rev. Dr. Furness and forgot it. This gentleman sent it to the Rev. Edward Everett Hale.He, presuming, I fancy, that every one desired to appear in the ``Atlantic, offered it to that journal. To my surprise, soon afterwards I received a proof and a check. The story was inserted as a leading article without my name. It was at once accepted by many as the description of a real case. Money was collected in several places to assist the unfortunate man, and benevolent persons went to the 3 英文名著3000 本 ``Stump Hospital, in Philadelphia, to see the sufferer and to offer him aid. The spiritual incident at the end of the story was received with joy by the spiritualists as a valuable proof of the truth of their beliefs. S. WEIR MITCHELL 4


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