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英文名著3000 本
The Ultimate Standard of Value
英文名著3000 本
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social
Science volume 5, (1894-95), pp. 149-208 by Eugen
Bohm-Bawerk translated by C.W. Macfarlane
There are certain unsettled questions in economic
theory that have been handed down as a sort of legacy
from one generation to another. The discussion of these
questions is revived twenty or it may be a hundred times
in the course of a decade, and each time the disputants
exhaust their intellectual resources in the endeavor to
impress their views upon their contemporaries. Not
unfrequently the discussion is carried far beyond the limits
of weariness and satiety, so that it may well be regarded as
an offence against good taste to again recur to so well-
worn a theme. And yet these questions return again and
again, like troubled spirits doomed restlessly to wander
until the hour of their deliverance shall appear. It may be
英文名著3000 本
that since the last discussion of the question we have made
some real or fancied discoveries in the science, and some
may think that these throw new light upon the old
question. Instantly the old strife breaks forth anew, with
the same liveliness as if it possessed the charm of entire
novelty, and so it continues year after year, and will
continue, until the troubled spirit is at last set free. In this
class we find the question -- What is the ultimate
standard of value, (dem letzten Bestimmgrunde des
Wertes der Guter)?