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英文名著3000 本
The White People
by Frances Hodgson Burnett
英文名著3000 本
TO LIONEL The stars come nightly to the sky;The tidal
wave unto the sea;Nor time, nor space, nor deep, nor high
Can keep my own away from me.
英文名著3000 本
英文名著3000 本
Perhaps the things which happened could only have
happened to me. I do not know. I never heard of things
like them happening to any one else. But I am not sorry
they did happen. I am in secret deeply and strangely
glad. I have heard other people say things--and they
were not always sad people,either--which made me feel
that if they knew what I know it would seem to them as
though some awesome, heavy load they had always
dragged about with them had fallen from their shoulders.
To most people everything is so uncertain that if they
could only see or hear and know something clear they
would drop upon their knees and give thanks. That was
what I felt myself before I found out so strangely, and I
was only a girl. That is why I intend to write this down
as well as I can. It will not be very well done, because I
英文名著3000 本
never was clever at all,and always found it difficult to talk.
I say that perhaps these things could only have happened
to me, because, as I look back over my life, I realize that it
has always been a rather curious one. Even when those
who took care of me did not know I was thinking at all, I
had begun
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