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英文名著3000 本 410 BC HELEN by Euripides translated by E. P. Coleridge 1 英文名著3000 本 CHARACTERS IN THE PLAY HELEN, wife Of MENELAUS TEUCER, a Greek warrior, who fought at Troy CHORUS OF CAPTIVE GREEK WOMEN, attending HELEN MENELAUS, King of Sparta PORTRESS of THEOCLYMENUS FIRST MESSENGER SECOND MESSENGER THEONOE, sister of THEOCLYMENUS THEOCLYMENUS, King of Egypt SERVANT of THEOCLYMENUS THE DIOSCURI Guards, attendants, etc. 2 英文名著3000 本 HELEN HELEN (SCENE:-Before the palace of THEOCLYMENUS in Egypt. It is near the mouth of the Nile. The tomb of Proteus, the father of THEOCLYMENUS is visible. HELEN is discovered alone before the tomb.) HELEN Lo! These are the fair virgin streams of Nile, the river that waters Egypts tilth, fed by pure melting snow instead of rain from heaven. Proteus during his life-time was king of this land, dwelling in the isle of Pharos, and ruling oer Egypt; and he took to wife one of the daughters of the sea, Psamathe, after she left the embraces of Aeacus. Two 3 英文名著3000 本 children she bare in this his palace, a son Theoclymenus, who hath passed his life in duteous service to the gods,and likewise a noble daughter, her mothers pride, called Eido in her infancy, but when she reached her youthful prime, the age for wedded joys, renamed Theonoe; for well she knew whateer the gods design, both present and to come, for she had won this guerdon from her grandsire Nereus. Nor is my fatherland unknown to fame, een Sparta, or my sire Tyndareus; for a legend tells how Zeus winged his way to my


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