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英文名著3000 本 410 BC THE TROJAN WOMEN by Euripides 1 英文名著3000 本 Characters in the Play Poseidon Athena Hecuba Chorus of Captive Trojan Women Talthybius Cassandra Andromache Menelaus Helen Before Agamemnons Tent in the Camp near Troy. HECUBA asleep. Enter POSEIDON. POSEIDON Lo! from the depths of salt Aegean floods I, Poseidon, come, where choirs of Nereids trip in the mazes of the graceful dance; for since the day that Phoebus and myself 2 英文名著3000 本 with measurement exact set towers of stone about this land of Troy and ringed it round, never from my heart hath passed away a kindly feeling for my Phrygian town, which now is smouldering and oerthrown, a prey to Argive prowess. For, from his home beneath Parnassus, Phocian Epeus, aided by the craft of Pallas,framed a horse to bear within its womb an armed host, and sent it within the battlements, fraught with death; whence in days to com men shall tell of the wooden horse, with its hidden load of warriors.Groves forsaken stand and temples of the gods run down with blood, and at the altars very base, before the god who watched his home, lies Priam dead. While to Achaean ships great store of gold and Phrygian spoils are being conveyed, and they who came against this town,those sons Of Hellas, only wait a favouring breeze to follow in their wake, that after ten long years they may with joy behold their wives and children. Vanquished by Hera, Argive goddess, and by Athena,who helped to ruin


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