致命的长靴__William Thackeray.pdf

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英文名著3000 本 The Fatal Boots by William Makepeace Thackeray 1 英文名著3000 本 Contents January.--The Birth of the Year February.--Cutting Weather March.--Showery April.--Fooling May.--Restoration Day June.--Marrowbones and Cleavers July.--Summary Proceedings August.--Dogs have their Days September.--Plucking a Goose October.--Mars and Venus in Opposition November.--A General Post Delivery December.--The Winter of Our Discontent THE FATAL BOOTS 2 英文名著3000 本 JANUARY.--THE BIRTH OF THE YEAR. Some poet has observed, that if any man would write down what has really happened to him in this mortal life, he would be sure to make a good book, though he never had met with a single adventure from his birth to his burial. How much more, then, must I, who HAVE had adventures, most singular, pathetic, and unparalleled, be able to copile an instructive and en tertaining volume for the use of the public. I dont mean to say that I have killed lions, or seen the wonders of travel in the deserts of Arabia or Prussia; or that I have been a very fashionable character, living with dukes and peeresses, and writing my recollections of them, as the way now is. I never left this my native isle, nor spoke to a lord (except an Irish one, who had rooms in our 3 英文名著3000 本 house, and forgot to pay three weeks lodging and extras); but, as our immortal bard observes, I have in the course of my existence been so eaten up by the slugs and harrows of outrageous fortune, and have been the obje


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