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英文名著3000 本 430 BC ALCESTIS by Euripides translated by Richard Aldington 1 英文名著3000 本 CHARACTERS IN THE PLAY APOLLO DEATH CHORUS OF OLD MEN A WOMAN SERVANT ALCESTIS, the Queen, wife of ADMETUS ADMETUS, King of Thessaly EUMELUS, their child HERACLES PHERES, father of ADMETUS A MAN SERVANT (SCENE:-At Pherae, outside the Palace of ADMETUS, King of Thessaly. The centre of the scene represents a portico with columns and a large double-door. To the left are the womens quarters, to the right the guest rooms. The centre doors of the Palace slowly open inwards, and 2 英文名著3000 本 Apollo comes out. In his left hand he carries a large unstrung golden bow. He moves slowly and majestically, turns,and raises his right hand in salutation to the Palace.) APOLLO DWELLING of Admetus, wherein I, a God, deigned to accept the food of serfs! The cause was Zeus. He struck Asclepius, my son, full in the breast with a bolt of thunder, and laid him dead. Then in wild rage I slew the Cyclopes who forge the fire of Zeus. To atone for this my Father forced me to labour as a hireling for a mortal man; and I came to this country, and tended oxen for my host. To this hour I have protected him and his. I, who am just, chanced on the son of Pheres, a just man, whom I have saved from Death by tricking the Fates. The Goddesses pledged me their faith Admetus 3 英文名著3000 本 should escape immediate death if, in exchange, another corpse were given to the Under-Gods. One by one he tested all his friends, and even his father a



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