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英文名著3000 本
Froudes History of England {1}
by Charles Kingsley There appeared a few years since a
Comic History of England, duly caricaturing and
falsifying all our great national events, and representing
the English people, for many centuries back, as a mob of
fools and knaves, led by the nose in each generation by a
few archfools and arch-knaves. Some thoughtful persons
regarded the book with utter contempt and indignation; it
seemed to them a crime to have written it; a proof of
banausia, as Aristotle would have called it, only to be
outdone by the writing a Comic Bible. After a while,
however, their indignation began to subside; their second
thoughts, as usual, were more charitable than their first;
they were not surprised to hear that the author was an
honest, just, and able magistrate; they saw that the
publication of such a book involved no moral turpitude;
that it was merely meant as a jest on a subject on which
英文名著3000 本
jesting was permissible, and as a money speculation in a
field of which men had a right to make money; while all
which seemed offensive in it was merely the outcome, and
as it were apotheosis, of that method of writing English
history which has been popular for nearly a hundred years.
Which of our modern historians, they asked themselves,
has had any real feeling of the importance, the sacredness,
of his subject?--any real trust in, or respect for, the
characters with whom he dealt? Has not the belief of
each and all of them been the same--that on the whole, the
many always have been fools and knaves; foolish and
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