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第一节:保险专业英语的文体特点 第十四章 保险的翻译 如: security:在经济、金融活动中可以指债券、股票,也可以指抵押品、担保品(如寿险单等) lend money on security:抵押贷款 give sth. as (a) security:以某物作担保 因此:The mercantile agent has the authority to sell goods, consign goods for sale, buy goods or raise money on the security of goods.商务代理有权销售货物,托运货物,购买货物以及为了货物的安全保障而筹集一笔资金(×) 应译为:商务代理有权销售货物,委托销售,购买货物以及以货物为担保而筹集资金 2、法律文体特色   保险专业英语的法律文体特色是指,有些保险文献往往具有法律约束力,甚至本身就是法律文件。法律文体的特色是用词力求精确、意旨清晰、尊重习惯传统。尊重习惯传统主要是指在行文中保留古体词以及使用一些仍保留原貌的外来词。而通过频繁使用同义、近义词来达到用词精确、意旨清晰的目的。 2.1古体词的使用 在许多保险合同、保险条款中(特别是英国的,如《伦敦保险人协会ABC条款》、《劳合社雇主责任条款》等)尽管内容上发生了不少变化,但仍然保留着许多旧用词。如whereas, hereby, herein, hereunto, hereafter, hereinafter,whereby,wherein等等。   请看《劳合社雇主责任保险单》的第一条款: Whereas the Assured named in the Schedule herein has made to the Underwriting Members of Lloyd’s who have hereunto subscribed their Names (hereinafter called the Underwriters) a written proposal and declaration being the date specified in the schedule, which is hereby agreed to the basis of this contract and to be considered as incorporated herein, and has paid to the Underwriters the provisional premium specified in the schedule based on the estimated amount of wages, salaries and other earnings of employees in the business. [鉴于此表中的被保险人已经向在这里签署其会员名的劳合社承保人协会会员(以下简称承保人)在此表规定的日期提交了书面投保申请书,并已经依据雇员的估算工资、薪金和其它收入交纳了次表规定的临时保险费,且同意以其投保申请书所填各项为订立本保险合同的依据并再此作为本保险合同的组成部分。] 2.2外来词的使用   使用外来词是尊重习惯与传统的另一表现。在英文保险文献中经常会出现一些仍保留原貌的外来词。如: The guiding principle here is the contra proferentem rule, which provides that where there is an ambiguity in the clause it will be construed against the party for drafting the clause. (在这里,指导性的原则就是对方优先权规则,它规定,如果条款中有模棱两可的地方,法庭将做出不利于提出要约一方的解释。) If there is no consensus ad idem on some essential term of agreement, a valid contract will not be formed. (如果对一些重要的协议条款没有一致的意见,那么,就不会形成有效合同。) While strictly speaking, this is not covered, insurers may consider such claims favorably or may make an ex gratia payment. (严格地说,这种情形不在承保范围之内,但保险人可以通融考虑这些索赔或进行道义上的赔付。) 2.3同义、近义词的使用


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