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英文名著3000 本
The Mahatma and the Hare A Dream
by H. Rider Haggard
英文名著3000 本
Ultimately a good hare was found which took the field
at . . .There the hounds pressed her, and on the hunt
arriving at the edge of the cliff the hare could be seen
crossing the beach and going right out to sea. A boat was
procured, and the master and some others rowed out to her
just as she drowned, and, bringing the body in, gave it to
the hounds. A hare swimming out to sea is a sight not
often witnessed.--/Local paper, January/ 1911.
. . . A long check occurred in the latter part of this hunt,
the hare having laid up in a hedgerow, from which she
was at last evicted by a crack of the whip. Her next place
of refuge was a horse-pond, which she tried to swim, but
got stuck in the ice midway, and was sinking, when the
huntsman went in after her. It was a novel sight to see
huntsman and hare being lifted over a wall out of the pond,
the eager pack waiting for their prey behind the wall.--
英文名著3000 本
/Local paper, February/ 1911.
The author supposes that the first of the above extracts
must have impressed him. At any rate, on the night after
the reading of it, just as he went to sleep, or on the
following morning just as he awoke, he cannot tell which,
there came to him the title and the outlines of this fantasy,
including the command with which it ends. With a
particular clearness did he seem to see the picture of the
Great White Road, straight as the way of the Spirit, and
broad as the breast of