欢乐__Galsworthy, John.pdf

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www.ChineseA 英文名著3000 本 中文在线出品 Joy by John Galsworthy 1 www.ChineseA 英文名著3000 本 中文在线出品 A PLAY ON THE LETTER I IN THREE ACTS PERSONS OF THE PLAY COLONEL HOPE, R.A., retired MRS. HOPE, his wife MISS BEECH, their old governess LETTY, their daughter ERNEST BLUNT, her husband MRS. GWYN, their niece JOY, her daughter DICK MERTON, their young friend HON. MAURICE LEVER, their guest ROSE, their parlour-maid TIME: The present. The action passes throughout midsummer day on the lawn of Colonel Hopes house, near the Thames above Oxford. 2 www.ChineseA 英文名著3000 本 中文在线出品 ACT I The time is morning, and the scene a level lawn, beyond which the river is running amongst fields. A huge old beech tree overshadows everything, in the darkness of whose hollow many things are hidden. A rustic seat encircles it. A low wall clothed in creepers, with two openings, divides this lawn from the flowery approaches to the house. Close to the wall there is a swing. The sky is clear and sunny. COLONEL HOPE is seated in a garden-chair, reading a newspaper through pince-nez. He is fifty-five and bald, with drooping grey moustaches and a weather-darkened face. He wears a flannel suit and a hat from Panama; a tennis racquet leans against his chair. MRS. HOPE comes quickly through the opening of the wall, with roses in her hands. She is going grey; she wears tan gauntlets, and no hat.Her manner is decided,


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