狼和羊羔__William Thackeray.pdf

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英文名著3000 本 The Wolves and the Lamb by William Makepeace Thackeray 1 英文名著3000 本 DRAMATIS PERSONAE. MR. HORACE MILLIKEN, a Widower, a wealthy City Merchant.GEORGE MILLIKEN, a Child, his Son.CAPTAIN TOUCHIT, his Friend.CLARENCE KICKLEBURY, brother to Millikens late Wife.JOHN HOWELL, Ms Butler and confidential Servant.CHARLES PAGE, Foot-boy.BULKELEY, Lady Kickleburys Servant.MR. BONNINGTON.Coachman, Cabman; a Bluecoat Boy, another Boy (Mrs. Priors Sons). LADY KICKLEBURY, Mother-in-law to Milliken.MRS. BONNINGTON, Millikens Mother (married again).MRS. PRIOR.MISS PRIOR, her Daughter, Governess to Millikens Children.ARABELLA MILLIKEN, a Child.MARY BARLOW, School-room Maid.A grown-up Girl and Child of Mrs. Priors, Lady K.s Maid, Cook. 2 英文名著3000 本 THE WOLVES AND THE LAMB. 3 英文名著3000 本 ACT I. Scene.--MILLIKENS villa at Richmd; two drawing- rooms opening into one another. The late MRS. MILLIKENS portrait over the mantel-piece; bookcases, writing-tables, piano, newspapers, a handsomely furnished saloon. The back-room opens, with very large windows, on the lawn and pleasure-ground; gate, and wall--over which the heads of a cab and a carriage are seen, as persons arrive. Fruit, and a ladder on the walls. A door to the diningroom, another to the sleeping-apartments, c



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