刚果起他诗歌__VACHEL LINDSAY.pdf

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英文名著3000 本 The Congo and Other Poems By Vachel Lindsay 1 英文名著3000 本 With an introduction by Harriet Monroe Editor of PoetryIntroduction. By Harriet Monroe When `Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, was first published in Chicago in the autumn of 1912, an Illinois poet, Vachel Lindsay,was, quite appropriately, one of its first discoveries.It may be not quite without significance that the issue of January, 1913,which led off with `General William Booth Enters into Heaven,immediately followed the number in which the great poet of Bengal,Rabindra Nath Tagore, was first presented to the American public,and that these two antipodal poets soon appeared in person among the earliest visitors to the editor. For the coming together of East and West may prove to be the great event of the approaching era,and if the poetry of the now famous Bengali laureate garners the richest wisdom 2 英文名著3000 本 and highest spirituality of his ancient race,so one may venture to believe that the young Illinois troubadour brings from Lincolns city an authentic strain of the lyric mssage of this newer world. It is hardly necessary, perhaps, to mention Mr. Lindsays loyalty to the people of his place and hour, or the training in sympathy with their aims and ideals which he has achieved through vagabondish wanderings in the Middle West. And we may permit time to decide how far he expresses their emotion. But it may be opportune to emphasize his plea for


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