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Colliers Quarterly
Q3 2017
15 November, 2017
北京-天津-廊坊 | 工业
Robust demand, 需求旺盛,前景乐观
positive outlook
Zhibin Yao Analyst | North China 姚质彬 分析师 | 华北
In Q3 2017, demand for the Beijing-Tianjin- 2017 年第三季度,北京-天津-廊坊区域优质物流物业市
Langfang prime logistics property market was 场需求持续且旺盛。共有四座新项目竣工入市。电子商务
robust and sustained. In total, four new projects 零售商及第三方物流供应商仍为主要需求驱动力。整体空
were completed. E-commerce retailers and the 置率下降,平均租金水平持续微升。展望未来,高力国际
third-party logistics (3PL) providers remained as
key demand drivers. The overall vacancy rate saw
a decrease while average rental level continued to 保持活跃。其中一线城市工业物业需求将持续旺盛,与此
rise modestly. Looking ahead, Colliers foresees 同时,更多新兴区域将受到投资者及开发商关注。
that the region’s industrial market, benefiting from
positive national and regional strategies, will
remain active. Demand for industrial properties in
Tier 1 should continue to be robust while more
emerging areas will become attractive for both
investors and developers.
Forecast at a glance 预测一览表
Demand 需求
Colliers expects strong leasing demand 高力国际预计中短期内北京、天津及廊坊物
for logistics properties in Beijing, Tianjin 流物业的租赁需求将维持强劲,同时周边城
and Langfang in the short to medium-term 市的新兴市场将受到更多关注
together with more attention to emerging
markets of nearby cities
Supply 供应
We predict 1.16 million sq m (12.5 million 我们预测至 2018 年底,该区域内将新增
sq ft) warehouse space or 22% of current 116 万平方米(1,250 万平方英尺)仓储面
total stock coming accordingly in the 积,约占现有总体量的