拿破仑.波拿巴传(五)__Wairy, Louis Constant.pdf

拿破仑.波拿巴传(五)__Wairy, Louis Constant.pdf

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英文名著3000 本 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE PRIVATE LIFE OF NAPOLEON, V5 BY CONSTANT PREMIER VALET DE CHAMBRE TRANSLATED BY WALTER CLARK 1 英文名著3000 本 CONTENTS: CHAPTER I. to CHAPTER VI. 2 英文名著3000 本 CHAPTER I. I left the Emperor at Berlin, where each day, and each hour of the day,he received news of some victory gained, or some success obtained by his generals. General Beaumont presented to him eighty flags captured from the enemy by his division, and Colonel Gerard also presented sixty taken from Blucher at the battle of Wismar. Madgeburg had capitulated, and a garrison of sixty thousand men had marched out under the eyes of General Savary. Marshal Mortier occupied Hanover in the name of France, and Prince Murat was on the point of entering Warsaw after driving out the Russians. War was about to recommence, or rather to be continued, against the latter; and since the Prussian army could now be regarded as entirely vanquished, the Emperor left 3 英文名著3000 本 Berlin in order to personally conduct operations against the Russians. We traveled in the little coaches of the country; and as was the rule always on our journeys, the carriage of the grand marshal preceded that of the Emperor. The season, and the passage of such large numbers of artillery, had rendered the roads frightful; but notwithstanding this we traveled


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