
商务英语词汇大全(必收藏) .doc

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商务英语词汇大全(必收藏) .doc

商务英语词汇大全(必收藏) 货币化 monetization 赤字 deficit 经济不景气recession a period when the economy of a country is not successful, business conditions are bad, industrial production and trade are at a low level and there is a lot of unemp loyment 一个时期一个国家的经济不景气,商业环境不好,工业生产和贸易水平低和有很多 失业 经济好转turnabout 复苏 recovery 成本推进型cost pus h 货币供应money supply 生产率 productivity 劳动力 labor fore e 实际工资real w ages 成本推进式通货膨胀cost-push inflation 需求拉动式通货膨胀deman d-pull infla tion 双位数通货膨胀double- digi tinflation 极度通货膨胀hyperin flation 长期通货膨胀chronic in flation 治理?货膨胀 to fight i nflation 最终目标ultimate go al 坏的影响 adverse effect 担保ensure 贝占现dis count 萧条的slu ggish 认购 subs cribe to 支票帐户checking ac count 货币控制工具instruments ofmonetry co ntrol 借据 IOUs (I owe you ) 本票 promissory notes 货币总监 c ontroller of thecurrency 拖收系统 collect ion system 支票清算或结算check clearing 资金划拨transfer of funds 可以相信的证明credential s 改革 fashion 被缠住entangled 货币联盟 Monetary Union 再购协议repo 精明的讨价还价交易horse-trad ing 欧元euro 公共债务 membershi p criteria 汇率机制REM 储备货币 r eserve curre ncy 劳动密集型lab or-intensive 贡交易所bourse 竞争领先frontrun 牛市 bull mark et 非凡的牛市a ra ging bull 规模经济 scale econ omcies 买方出价与卖方要价之间的差价bid -ask spreads 期货(贡)future s 经济商行 brokerage firm 回报率rate of retu rn 贡 equities 违约 default 现金外流cash drai ns 经济人佣金brok erage fee 存款单CD ( certific ate of depos it 营业额turnov er 资本市场 capital market 布雷顿森林体系The Bre tton WoodsSy stem 经常帐户 cur rent account 套利者 arbitrag er 远其用匚率 forwa rd exchange rate 即期汇率spo t rate 实际利率 r eal interest rates 货币政策工具tools of mo netarypolicy 银行倒闭bank fa ilures 跨国公司 M NC ( Multi-N ational Corp oration ) 商业银行commercial bank 商业票据 com ercial paper 利润profit 本票,期票 promissory notes 监督 to monitor 佣金(经济人)commissi on brokers 套期保值hedge 有价证券平衡理论portfol io balanceth eory 夕卜汇储备 foreign exchang ereserves 固定汇率 fixed exch ange rate ;孚动5匚率 floating/f lexibleexcha nge rate 货币选择权(期货)curren cy option 蔡 ijarbitrage 合约价exercise pr ice 远其月升水forw ard premium 多头买升buying I ong 空头卖跌sell ing short 按市价订购贡market o rder 贡经纪人sto ckbroker 国际货币基金the IMF 七国集 the G-7 监督surveNlanc e


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