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商事仲裁业发展对经济、社会的影响预测分析 [ ]伴随新一轮的经济全球化,商事争端凸 显,仲裁业发展是适应新一轮经济全球化竞争的必然。 采取定量与定性分析相结合的方法,定量分析商事仲 裁业对经济的影响,以青岛市调研数据为例,将仲裁 与目前青岛解决争端的主要方式诉讼进行对比分析, 依据灰色预测与决策理论,对仲裁业务量及其收益、 法院受理的商事案件量进行预测,预测结果表明市场 主体放弃诉讼选择仲裁将直接促进经济效益的快速提 升;定性分析商事仲裁业发展对社会、城市竞争力的 促进作用。借鉴库兹涅茨曲线解读国际商事仲裁业的 发展趋势。 [关键词]仲裁;商事争端;灰色预测与决策;库 兹涅茨曲线 [ ]D915.7 [ ]A [文章编 号]1671-8372 (2015) 01-0093-06 Abstract: Going with the new round of economic globalization, commercial disputes are highlighted, and the development of commercial arbitration industry is to adapt to a new round of the competition of economic globalization. We analyze the influence of the development of commercial arbitration industry by combining the quantity analysis and qualitative analysis, compare the arbitration with the lawsuit which is the main way to settle the dispute in Qingdao at present based on the survey data of Qingdao City, and predict the portfolio of commercial arbitration and its earnings, and the commercial cases of court by the theory of grey forecasting and decision-making. The result shows that the main market players choosing commercial arbitration can directly promote the growth of economic benefits; making qualitative analysis of commercial arbitration industry is helpful to accelerate the competitiveness of society and city. Taking the example of Kuznets curve is to approximately interpret the development trend of commercial arbitration industry. Key words: arbitration; commercial dispute; grey forecasting and decision-making, Kuznets curve 随着国际贸易的日益繁荣,商事争端也与日倶增。 由于商事主体越来越不愿陷入旷日持久、费钱、伤和 气的法律程序,公平、快速、高效的仲裁成为解决国 际商事争端的重要方式。我国商事仲裁业虽初具规模, 但已然在协助国内外当事人解决争端、维护经济秩序、 促进经济发展等方面发挥了巨大的作用。 学者们围绕仲裁业展开了相关研究。王小莉[1]、 石现明[2-3]分别对英国仲裁制度、新加坡国际商事仲 裁制度及东盟国家国际商事仲裁协议制度进行了比较 分析,提出了我国仲裁制度发展与完善的对策建议。 针对我国现行《仲裁法》将临时仲裁排除在外,仅仅 规定了机构仲裁,有学者就现行法律的完善进行了探 讨性研宄。童曦[4]认为临时制度缺失存在弊端,中国 应审慎地引入临时仲裁制度,完善现行法律制度;曾 诚[5]则以新加坡国际仲裁中心仲裁规则的修改为视 角,讨论了机构仲裁框架下的临时仲裁制度;Daniel Arthur Lapr6s[6傳人就法国仲裁改革及其对中法相互 执行仲裁裁决的影响进行了研宄。针对法律的完善需 要突破现有国家体制的约束,有学者从微观层面对仲 裁机构本身的发展、仲裁队伍的建设进行了研宄。祝 嘉骏[7]认为


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