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·152 · 针刺研究  第 27 卷  2002 年  第 2 期 中图分类号 :R322  文献标识码 :A  文章编号 : 1000 - 0607( 2002) 02 - 0152 - 03 肩井穴的解剖结构与其 针刺安全深度探讨 张建华  余安胜  赵英侠  毛根金 严振国 蔡国荣  顾洪川  魏鸿熙  金富滋 (上海中医药大学解剖教研室 ,  上海 200032) 内容提要  目的: 研究肩井穴的解剖结构和针刺安全深度 。方法 :随机抽样取 57 具较新鲜的成年 人尸体 ,其中男尸 24 具 ,女尸 33 具 ,采用解剖断面法和解剖层次法进行研究 。结果 : 向下直刺的 解剖结构依次是 :皮肤 、浅筋膜 、深筋膜 、斜方肌 、肩胛提肌外侧 、前锯肌 、肋间外肌 、肋间内肌 、壁胸 膜 。向下直刺的平均危险深度是 55 . 96 mm 。结论 : 为了安全 , 建议 向下直刺 的深度应控制在 39 . 17 mm之内。 关键词  肩井穴/ 解剖学和组织学  针刺深度  针刺方向 Study on the Anatomic Structure and Saf e Needl ing Depth of Jianj ing ( GB 21) Point ZHANG Jianhua ,  Y U Ansheng ,  ZHAO Yingxia ,  MAO Genj in , YAN Zhenguo ,  CAI Guorong ,  GU Hongchuan ,  WEI Hongxi ,  J IN Fuzi ( Teachi ng an d R esearch S ect ion of A natomy , S hang hai Univers ity of T CM , S hang hai , 2 00032) Objective : To p robe into t he anatomic st ruct ure and safe needling dept h of J ianj ing ( GB 2 1) . Methods : Fift yseven fresher adult corp ses were randomly selected . Among t hem , 24 were male and 33 female . Anatomic sagitt al sectional and lamelled met hods were used to st udy t he anatomic st ruct ure and suit able needleinsertion dept h . Results :Anatomic st ruct ures of t he perpendicular sections in or der are skin , superficial fascia , deep fascia , t rapezius muscle , lateral p art of t he levator muscle of scap ula , serrat us anterior muscle , external interco st al muscle , internal interco st al muscle and p ariet al pleura . If t he acup unct ure needle tip penet rates t he p ariet al pleura , it will p unct ure t he lung to induce p neuma tot horax . When J ianj ing ( GB


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