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* F波潜伏期 (ms) - M波潜伏期-1)/2 * 单纤维针电极记录面积为25um,记录面积为300um2 同心圆针电极直径0.2-0.8mm,记录面积为0.021-0.068mm2 * 与安静时肌膜氯离子通透性减小有关,多见于肌肉自主收缩或受机械刺激后。波幅通常为10 μV—1mV,频率为25—100Hz。放电过程中波幅和频率逐渐衰减,扩音器可传出“飞机俯冲或摩托车减速”样声音。见于各种原因所致的肌强直。 * Multiple mononeuropathy (mononeuritis multiplex) is the simultaneous malfunction of two or more peripheral nerves in separate areas of the body. It causes abnormal sensations and weakness. Multiple mononeuropathy typically affects only a few nerves, often in different areas of the body. In contrast, polyneuropathy affects many nerves, usually in about the same areas on both sides of the body. However, if multiple mononeuropathy involves many nerves, it may be difficult to distinguish from polyneuropathy. Several disorders can cause multiple mononeuropathy, and each disorder produces characteristic symptoms. Diabetes is probably the most common cause, although diabetes more commonly causes polyneuropathy. Other common causes of multiple mononeuropathy include vasculitis (inflammation of blood vessels, as occurs in polyarteritis nodosa), systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus), Sj?gren syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, sarcoidosis, amyloidosis, and infections (such as Lyme disease and HIV infection). Multiple mononeuropathy may result from direct invasion of the nerve by bacteria, as occurs in leprosy. A disorder may affect the nerves all at once or affect them progressively, a few at a time. People have pain, weakness, abnormal sensations, or a combination of these symptoms in the areas supplied by the affected nerves. Symptoms often begin on one side of the body. When diabetes is the cause, muscles of the eyes and thighs are often affected. Doctors base the diagnosis on symptoms and results of a physical examination, but electromyography and nerve conduction tests are usually done to confirm the diagnosis. Treatment depends on the cause. * * 异常MUAPs(2) 肌源性损害 时限缩短20% 波幅降低 多相波百分比增高 大力收缩 正常 单纯相 病理干扰相 重复电刺激(RNS) 概况 利用超强重复电刺激周围神经后在相应肌肉上记录动作电位的一种技术。 主要用于检测神经肌肉接头功能


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