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网络游戏技术与产业调查报告 - Mathematical and Computer Sciences.ppt
Digital Interactive Entertainment Overview ofDigital Entertainment Industry Digital Entertainment Industry Internet and Game in China Internet Users in China Online Game Market in China Stand-alone Game Market in China New Research Applications of Natural Interactive Technologies Natural Interactive Technologies (NIT) NIT Research and Application-I NIT Research and Application-II NIT Research and Application-III Interactive Entertainment Research Group in CASIA The Outline of Our Research Online-Game Strategic Research Group Online-Game Strategic Research Group The goal of the Strategic Research Group Thank you! Driving a car using your hands and voice Player’s hands control the car’s direction. Player’s voice controls the car’s speed and status. Motion Detection and Analysis Project video into game Motion detection Parameters calculation Game objects control Playing a game with your body Player’s body movement is projected right into a game The motion detection and analysis results are used to activate objects in a game. A meeting of the group The group includes major digital entertainment companies, universities, research institutes, and digital entertainment association in China. Write strategic report of digital entertainment for Chinese government. Establish “China National Center for Digital Entertainment”. Abstract:Digital entertainment has been become one of the most potential knowledge economy and information industries of 21 century. This report consist 4 parts. In the first part, a brief overview is discussed that the current situation and trend of digital entertainment industry in the world, especially in China. In the second part, some new research and applications of Natural Interactive Technologies are introduced. The third part mainly presents some research and application results developed by Interactive Entertainment Research Group at Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Finally, some work of Online-Game Strategic Res
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