银河系致密天体巡天 - lamost.pptx

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银河系致密天体巡天 - lamost.pptx

致密天体与恒星族的多波段观测;关于致密天体的基本问题;How did the universe begin? What were the first objects to light up the universe and when did they do it? What are the connections between dark and luminous matter? What is the fossil record of galaxy assembly and evolution from the first stars to the present? How do stars and black holes form? How do circumstellar disks evolve and form planetary systems? How do cosmic structures form and evolve? How do baryons cycle in and out of galaxies and what do they do while they are there? What are the flows of matter and energy in the circumgalactic medium? What controls the mass-energy-chemical cycles within galaxies? How do black holes work and influence their surroundings? How do rotation and magnetic fields affect stars? How do massive stars end their lives? What are the progenitors of Type Ia supernovae and how do they explode? How diverse are planetary systems and can we identify the telltale signs of life on an exoplanet? Why is the universe accelerating? What is dark matter? What are the properties of the neutrinos? What controls the masses, spins and radii of compact stellar remnants? ;;大质量恒星死亡 形成的恒星级黑洞 ~10个太阳质量;X射线极亮天体;第一次成功测量X射线极亮天体的质量;;;银河系中的恒星级黑洞;如何发现及测量黑洞质量?;;中子星质量上限?;Ia型超新星的前身星;Ia型超新星前身星到底是:;方法:大质量白矮星质量分布;研究现状;;工作进展和展望;关于致密天体的基本问题;;22;;;基于国际顶级天文设备的多波段观测研究: X射线极亮天体质量测定工作 充分利用国内重大科研装置LAMOST,成10倍地扩充致密天体样本进行质量分布研究,解答三个基本问题 我们会得到什么呢? ;核心研究团队;学术合作;欢迎参与我们的研究


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