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PAGE FORM 1 表格 1 CNC09-PUB Free Promotion Services: E-Exhibits Preview / Virtual Booth 免费宣传服务:电子展品预览 / 虚拟展台 COMPULSORY 必须交回 Deadline: 16 July 2009 递交期限: 2009年7月16日 1 – Electronic Exhibits Preview网上展品预览 A FREE and EFFECTIVE way to make your exhibits well-known prior to the show. With photos and descriptions of the exhibits, the E-Exhibits Preview will be delivered to targeted visitors one month before the show. 网上展品预览将会刊载出 贵司提供的一段展品描述及一张展品相片,我司会在开展前一个月透过不同渠道把网上展品预览发送予目标观众。 2 - Virtual Booth虚拟展台 2456.COM is a 24-hour exhibition network that allows exhibitors to promote products around the world, around the clock. All exhibitors are offered a free virtual booth in 2456.COM for 1 year. The information that you have submitted for Exhibits Preview will be displayed in your own virtual booth. 2456.COM是一个结合传统与网上媒体的24小时展览网络, 为世界各地的商务社群提供一站式纵向性业务推广方案,参展商可获为期一年的免费虚拟展台一个,展示公司资料及产品。 Once providing the followings, you can enjoy free entry in e-Exhibits Preview and Virtual Booth: 只需提供下列资料便可于展品预览及虚拟展台作免费推广: Exhibits description in Chinese (70 words max) 展品的中文简介 (只限70字) Exhibits description in English (100 words max) 展品的英文简介 (只限100字) ONE photo of exhibits 一张展品相片 Important Notes 注意事项: Length of the text: 70 words in Chinese and 100 words in English. Adsale reserves the right to edit and shorten the passage without prior notice. 展品简介长度: 中文70字,英文100字。如字数超出限制时,雅式保留删改权而不会预先知会有关展商。 Photo: jpeg format (resolution: 300 dpi or above) or send us one 3R-color photo. If more than one photo is received, the editor reserves the right to select one photo without prior notice. Unless with prior written request, all photos / materials supplied will be destroyed after the show. 相片: jpeg格式,解像度300dpi或以上,或寄一张3R相片予我司。如展商提供一张以上的相片,编辑将选取其一而不会事先知会展商。除展商书面要求外,展商所递交的一切资料将于展会后销毁。 Due to limited space available, each exhibitor is eligible for ONE exhibit entry only. The editor owns the sole editing right. 由于版面篇幅有限,每家展商只可刊登一份预览资料,而我司编辑保留最终编改权利。 Adsale has the right to use t


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