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Unit 2 Active reading (1) Language points 1 ... I can recall the changing colors of those days, clear and definite as a pattern seen through a kaleidoscope. (Para 1) A kaleidoscope is a toy that shows changing patterns. It is made of a tube with mirrors and colored pieces of glass inside. The glass pieces move as you turn the kaleidoscope. As a metaphor, kaleidoscope means a view, situation or experience that keeps changing and has many different aspects. 2 … and look over the lights of Boston that blazed and blinked far off across the darkening water. (Para 2) To blaze means to burn strongly and brightly. The lights ... that blazed and blinked means the lights were bright and went on and off continuously, like the blinking of eyes. 3 The sunset flaunted its pink flag above the airport, and the sound of waves was lost in the perpetual droning of the planes. (Para 2) To flaunt means to deliberately try to make people notice something, eg your possessions, beauty, abilities etc, because you want them to admire you. The sunset flaunted its pink flag means the pink color of the setting sun was like a flag which the sun was using to try to make everyone notice and admire it. To drone means to make a continuous low sound. Because Logan is an international airport, the noise of the planes continued all the time. So it was perpetual. 4 I marveled at the moving beacons on the runway and watched, until it grew completely dark, the flashing red and green lights that rose and set in the sky like shooting stars. (Para 2) A beacon is a bright light that shines in the dark and is used as a signal to warn people of danger or to show them the way to somewhere. Beacons are used in airports to show approaching and departing planes the position of the runways to help them land and take off safely. A shooting star is a meteor, a large piece of rock in space that falls through the earth’s atmosphere and makes a bright line of light in the sky. When you see a shooting star, it is said to




