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3product classification产品类别 3.1 durability and tangibility 产品的耐用程度和有形程度 3product classification产品类别 3.2 the purpose for which the product is bought购买目的 consumer goods消费品 Convenience goods方便商品/日用品 Purchased frequently immediately频繁购买 Low priced低价 Mass advertising大众密集广告 Many purchase locations尽可能多的布点 consumer goods消费品 shopping goods选购商品 Bought less frequently 较频繁 Higher price较高的价格 Fewer and selective purchase locations有选择的销售网点 deeper sales support需要较多的售中服务支持 consumer goods消费品 specialty goods特殊商品 unique characteristics独一无二的特征 brand identification 品牌识别度高 Exclusive Distribution 专卖店 special purchase effort消费者愿意付出特殊的购买努力 Buyers normally do not compare specialty products. 最优选择 consumer goods unsought goods非渴求产品/忽略品 either does not know about or knows about but does not normally think of buying. 不了解或者想不到的产品 Most major new innovations are unsought until the consumer becomes aware of them through advertising. 创新型产品多数属于非渴求品 By their very nature, unsought products require a lot of advertising, personal selling, and other marketing efforts. 需要大量、密集的广告和促销努力 Industrial Goods工业品 2. Product Decision 2.1 Individual product decision 2.2 Product-line decision 2.1Individual Product Decisions Product attributes (quality, features, style and design) Branding (A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of these, that identifies the maker or seller of a product or service) Packaging: Designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product. Developing a good package: Packaging concept Package elements Product safety Environmental concerns Labeling: Printed information appearing on or with the package Product support services 2.2 product-line decisions产品线组合策略 2.2.1Product-line length产品线长度 2.2.2 Stretching Downward Upward Both directions 神龙汽车公司产品线向两端延伸的代表车型即将全部上市。在继东风Peugeot 206本月强势出击经济型家轿后,东风雪铁龙“凯旋”新车也将在2月18日正式发布。与206的上市模式一样,凯旋也将采取先亮相后公布价格的形式。东风雪铁龙凯旋是款专为中国市场量身设计的中高端轿车,目前东风雪铁龙尚未公开展示过该车型,其竞争对手直指凯美瑞、新Accord、新马6等中高级车 奔驰B级的首次出现是在年底的日内瓦车展上,他是一款紧凑型
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