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雅思图表题7分技巧 确定动态或静态:有无时间跨度 归类:找不同点-大和小/升和降 对比:--- make comparison 静态对比:同一年份不同数值的大小对比 动态对比:不同年份间数值增大减少对比 描述:--- main features line: 起点/终点/交点 pie: 最大最小百分比 bar: 最大最小差值 图表题7分三个重要句型 while/whereas 对比数据 定从省略/分词状语后置 with介词状语后置 图表题正文段分段原则 单图: 先分类后分段 双/三图: 每个图表一段 四图: 先分类后分段 表示超过的单词补充 1.exceed/surpass/overtake (后面直接跟数字): The final cost should not exceed 5 million dollars. 2.outnumber/outscore (指一种事物的数字超过另一种数字,后面不直接跟数字): In our office the females outnumber the males: 5 to 3. 3.outweigh/outperform: (指价值超过另一中事物): The advantages outweigh the drawbacks. Between 1940 and around 1960, The percentage of elderly people in the USA increased/rose/grew slightly/slowly to 10% while/whereas that of (the figure for) Japan decreased/declined/fell rapidly/sharply/significantly by 2%. while/whereas 对比数据 基于大小升降的分类,用表示转折关系的连接词连接前后两句话,可有效提高小作文结构和语法分数。 此外,段落间也可进行对比,用如:by contrast/on the contrary/on the other hand 等表示转折关系的状语进行写作。 Between 1940 and around 1960, the proportion of people aged 65 and over in the USA showed an upward trend, increasing slightly from approximately 9% to 10% while the figure for Japan experienced/witnessed a downward trend, decreasing rapidly from 5% to only 3%. 定从省略/分词状语后置 分词状语后置的特点是可以将一个描述数据的简单句变为高分的从句,从而把单一的句子写得更有层次,并突出图表的主要特点。一般前半句为文字描述,后半句为数字描述。常用的文字描述句型有: showed/saw/witnessed/experienced a/an + upward/downward/opposite/similar trend 或 + increase/rise/decline/drop Between 1940 and around 1960, the proportion of elderly people in the Western countries showed/saw an upward trend, with (that of )Sweden increasing more rapidly from about 7% to 9 % while the figure for Japan experienced/witnessed a downward trend, decreasing rapidly from 5% to only 3%. with介词状语后置 With 介词状语后置的主要用途是它可以把很多有相似性的数值归纳在一起(前半句),并突出其中有特点的一些数值 (后半句)。 常见的用法有: With + 抽象名词 如:with fish representing 225 grams With + 具体数值 如:with 225 grams As can be seen from the line graph, the projected populations of all the African nations and Afghanistan (the only country from the Middle East



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