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产品交付给用户后用户可能不满意; 到了预定的交付日期软件可能还未开发出来; 实际的开发成本可能超过预算; 产品完成前一些关键的开发人员 “跳槽”了; 产品投入市场之前竞争对手发布了一个功能相近、价格更低的软件等。 螺旋模型将开发过程划分为几个螺旋周期,每个周期有三到六个任务区域,见下图。 螺旋的第一圈可能产生产品的规格说明,再下面的螺旋可能用于开发一个原型,随后可能是软件的更完善的版本。每一圈还要根据用户评估的反馈对项目计划(包括进度、费用)进行调整。 ? 适合于大型系统的软件开发,随着过程的进展演化,开发者和用户能够更好的识别和对待每一个演化级别上的风险。 ? 需要相当丰富的风险评估经验和专门知识,使该模型的应用受到一定限制。 ? 随着迭代次数的增加,工作量加大,软件开发成本增加。 可重用部件组装模型 (构件集成模型) (Component Integration Model) 构件(component)也称为组件,是一段实现一系列有确定接口的程序体,具有自己的功能和逻辑,能同其他构件组装起来协调工作。 该模型支持软件重用,对缩短软件开发周期、降低项目成本有重要的现实意义。同时,建造符合某应用领域体系结构标准的构件,可以用来搭建分布式的、跨越不同操作平台的软件,扩展了软件的应用前景,促进了软件标准化、商品化的发展。 因此,在此基础上专家们又提出了“基于构件的软件工程”(CBSE)。 构件组装模型如下图所示: 可复用性(Reusability) * * Agile means being able to quickly change direction. It is based on rapid prototype and incremental models. Agile methods emphasize working software as the primary measure of progress. Combined with the preference for face-to-face communication, agile methods usually produce less written documentation than other methods. In an agile project, documentation, Gantt charts and other project artifacts all rank equally with working product. However, when stakeholders are asked to prioritise deliverables for demonstration at the end of the current iteration, they generally prefer to see working product. Stakeholders are encouraged to prioritise iteration outcomes based exclusively on business value perceived at the beginning of the iteration. If documentation represents higher business value than working software in any particular iteration then stakeholders give it a higher priority than working software. The (cross-functional) development team will accordingly produce that documentation instead of lower priority software.[citation needed] * Goal of XP (imp) Extreme Programming Explained describes Extreme Programming as being: An attempt to reconcile humanity and productivity A mechanism for social change A path to improvement A style of development A software development discipline The main ai