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Module 5 Ethnic culture Introduction Reading vocabulary According to the chart in ACTIVITY 1 on P 57 , finish the composition Yunnan, _______________ is Kunming, ___________________________the southwest of China.It ________________394,000 square kilometers and _________________about 42million. Besides, Yunnan is ___________ 25 ethnic minorities and the most _______ region of China. What’s more, there are mountains and lakes as well as ________ where ______animals such as golden monkey and Asian elephant live. Yunnan is a beautiful place and its_______________ are well known, including____________, ___________________ and first bend of Yangtze River. Many people from all over the world are attracted by its beauty. Match the photos with the paragraphs. Part 1 ( para 1-2) 1. Simon mainly describes ____________________ and the Yunnan’s __________ in this part. 2. Opposite it is the 5,500 meter Yulong Xueshan Mountain, its peak covered withsnow.( change the underlined part ) 3. Seen from above, the old town is a maze of canals, little bridges and tiny cobbled streets that tourists get lost in.( translation) Part 2 ( para 3—5) 1. About the Naxi ethnic group , Simon describes three ways ___________, __________, __________ .(within 6 words) 2.Women ___ the Naxi society and ______ all the property . 3. the only hieroglyphic language still ______ 4. Everyone listened as if someone had __________ them. Part 3 (para 6) What’s Simon’s feeling about his travelling? Discussion Watch the video about the drought in the country’s southwest Then discuss the video and share your feeling with your partners our feeling In our daily life, we should save water as possible as I can contribute money, bottles of water…to… protect environment Conclusion Important words and phrases varied run inherit property be astonished by wake up to get lost in run through have the custom of doing sth in use put together put a spell on Homework 1. reci
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