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PAGE 摘 要 我国房地产行业在近几年持续升温,市场呈现出供需两旺的局面。然而,在这样一个火热的市场里面,还有很多房地产公司的项目亏本。虽然这在市场经济中是一个非常正常的现象,但究其源,很多公司没有按照一个十分顺畅的流程来操作项目,没有把握项目在营销推广中的节奏,最终使得事态的发展超出了所能控制的范畴。很多房地产企业就因为一个项目的失败,最后无力回天。投入了大量的资金、人力、物力,没有创造收益,同时还造成了土地资源的浪费。无规矩无以成方圆,一份好的策划案的出台,需要有一个好的流程安排。整个过程中有许多的工作需要同时进行,这就有必要对整个过程各个阶段事务进行一个比较合理的分配,做到并行不悖,对所有可能出现的情况进行分析,做好防御措施,使之不会妨碍工作的顺利进行,也就是合乎营销推广的节奏,在一个和谐的节奏下完成既定的销售目标。文章分析了整个楼盘营销推广的过程,并且通过案例分析来进行实证,归结出了楼盘营销推广的基本流程。期望能够找到一个合适的流程,以解决当前的实际问题。 关键词: 房地产策划 营销推广 节奏把握 营销推广流程 Abstract In the last few years real estate profession developed quickly in our country, the market presents a good situation. However, in like this a good market, the plenty more real estate companied suffers a deficit. Although this is in market economy is process that a very normal phenomenon, the main reason is a lot of companies to have no according to the norm to operate the item, did not have confidence the item in marketing expand, it is end to make circumstances of development beyond the reach of a category for can controlling. A lot of real estate business enterprises because of a failure of one item, failure finally. Wasted a flood of funds, manpower, material resources, did not creates income, still resulted in the land resources wasted at the same time. Have no rules to have no good result, a good planning case need a good process arrangement. There is many works demand proceed at the same time in the whole process, this there will be the necessity to proceed a reasonable allotment to whole a stage business, attaining to run parallel, proceeding the analysis to a circumstance for may appearing, working well to defend the measure, cant make it hinder the work smoothly progress, is also the rhythm that conform to the marketing the expansion, under a harmonious rhythm complete the decided sale target. The article analyzed the process of whole floor dish marketing expansion, and pass the case an analysis to proceed the substantial evidence, returning the knot out the basic process tha


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