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International marketing Kai Hu:Teaching staff?@??Foreign Language School Specialization: International Tourism Hospitality Management HuBei Polytechnic University? CiHu Campus, Hubei, China? website:?/ Mail to 519441816@ 营销人员与销售人员的区别 宏观与微观营销 Course outline International marketing basics 1 Introduction to International Marketing 2 Three basic theories of International trade The international marketing environment Targeting marketing information markets International marketing mix Managing the international marketing E-commerce and online marketing Course requirement Attendance and participation 20% In-class Quiz 20% Group assignment and presentation 60% Introduction What is marketing? “Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering, and exchanging products of value with others.” (Kotler) Needs, wants and demands Needs: needs is a state of deprivation of some basic satisfaction such as: food, clothes, digitals Wants: an individual may need to watch TV, but wants to consume a particular brand of Television. Demands: it is defined in a narrative way not in a broad way in the textbooks. it could be defined as the ability and willingness to buy any number of products based on customer’s purchasing power. The pyramid of Maslows hierarchy of needs According to Maslows hierarchy of needs, he divides humans needs into five levels: basic needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-fulfillment needs. He usually uses a triangle or pyramid shape to describe his theory. Question: do the marketers create human needs? Basic needs are relatively few, but peoples wants are unlimited, they are shaped by social influences, their past history and consumption experiences. Different people, then, may have very different wants to satisfy t


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