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Chapter one International Marketing Fundamentals Part one Introduction 1.1 The Concepts of Marketing The Concepts of Marketing 市场营销学? 建立在经济学科,行为学科,现代管理理论基础之上的应用学科,是经济学,行为科学,心理学,社会学,现代管理学,广告学,公共关系学等学科密切结合的一门综合性,边缘性的经济管理学科.(Page 4) Marketing:1指经济活动时称为市场营销或市场营销活动, 2指学科时称为市场营销学. 1.1 The Concepts of Marketing Market ? The sum of demand and supply, which can be classified into goods market, factor market and financial market(P3重点词汇5) 1.1.1 Marketing 1.1.1 Marketing An organizational function and a set of processes for creating ,communicating, and delivering values to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholder. (Page5) 指企业如何依据消费者需求产生适销对路的产品,扩大市场销售所进行的一整套经济活动.即对一种能满足现有的和潜在需要的产品,劳务,计谋,定价,促销,调运到销售互为影响的一系列活动的计划和实施过程。 1.1.1 Marketing Marketing = Promotion (推销)? Marketing = Sales promotion(促销)? Marketing ≠ Promotion Marketing ≠ Sales promotion 1.1.1 Marketing Marketing function Buying and Selling Distribution and Storage Quality and Quantity Promotion and Communication Finance and Risk Taking 1.1.2 Marketing Philosophy Marketing Philosophy :A way of organizing and controlling marketing. The whole philosophy of marketing is changing. Previously, marketing involved creating a demand for a specific product or service. That approach is obsolete. Today marketers must interact with the market, determine what products and services are needed, and supply enough information to the market about those products so that the products find their own market. (Page 3,重点词汇7) 1.1.2 Marketing Philosophy Production Orientation Product Orientation Selling Orientation Marketing Orientation Societal Marketing Orientation 1.1.3 The Development of Marketing Mix 1 Marketing Mix: 4P- 7P-11P 4P McCarthy Product ; Price; Place; Promotion 7P Boom Bitner Product ; Price; Place Promotion; People Physical 11P Philip Kotlter Product ; Price; Place Promotion; Power; Public Relations; Probe; Parti


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