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Chapter 3: SOCIAL CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT OF IM 第三章:国际营销文化环境 影响国际营销的外力之宏观因素 PESTEL 模型(宏观) P: Political ---------------政局,政策 E: Economic ------------经济 S: Social/ cultural----社会文化 T: Technological ------技术 E: Environmental -----环境 L: Legal---------------------法律法规 Introduction case Learn Case3-1 “Disney learns to “act local” on the global stage” Answer question: What is the definition of culture? What are two categories of culture? OUTLINE Definition of Culture 文化的概念 Basic factors of Culture 文化的基本要素 Some theoretical basis 文化的基本理论 Definition of Culture 文化的概念 Basic factors of Culture 文化的基本要素 Some theoretical basis 文化的基本理论 definition of culture Definition: ways of living, built by a group of human beings, that are transmitted from one generation to another. Material culture Non- material culture Why should we study culture? 联系Disney的例子 influences of culture Influence consumer behavior (消费行为):中国人喜欢吃鱼肉,瑞士人喜欢吃巧克力、日本人喜欢吃寿司、美国人喜欢吃汉堡、英国人喜欢吃薯条、法国人喜欢喝红酒 Influence occurrence of disease(疾病的产生):中国人多发胃癌,西班牙人多肺癌 Influence ways of communication (交流方式):英国人法国人习惯亲吻对方脸颊以示友好,日本人习惯鞠躬以示友好 文化影响消费行为 文化影响疾病的产生 国际社会文化环境研究的重要性 文化因素往往决定着不同的消费行为(consumer behavior) 对国际社会文化环境的研究是企业能否顺利进入国际市场的先行条件 (requirement) 有助于国际营销企业提高产品的竞争力(competitive advantage) Definition of Culture 文化的概念 Basic factors of Culture 文化的基本要素 Some theoretical basis 文化的基本理论 文化包括? Factors of culture Rituals Beliefs Values Religion Aesthetics Dietary preferences Language Attitudes, beliefs and values价值观念 Attitude: a learned tendency to respond in a consistent way to a specific group of people Belief: an organized pattern of knowledge that an individual holds to be true about the world Value: P85 an enduring belief or feeling that a specific mode of conduct is personally or


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