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新增两个绩效评估区域: 禁止无保障就业 商业道德行为 童工拆分成两个区域 不允许童工 未成年工特殊保护 管理体系要求扩展 社会责任管理体系及其瀑布效应或级联效应 重大变化 体面的工作时间 公平报酬 社会责任管理体系及其级联效应 工人参与和保护 自由结社与集体谈判权利 禁止歧视 公平报酬 体面的工作时间 职业健康与安全 禁止童工 未成年工特殊保护 禁止无保障雇佣 禁止强迫劳动 环境保护 商业道德行为 社会责任管理体系及其级联效应 - 无 工人参与和保护 2.3 The auditee takes specific steps to make workers aware of their rights and responsibilities 被审核方(生产商)采取特定程序使工人了解其权利和责任 自由结社与集体谈判权利 The auditee respects workers’ right to bargain collectively 被审核方(生产商)尊重工人的集体谈判权 禁止歧视 4.1 The auditee takes the necessary measures to avoid or eradicate discrimination in the workplace 被审核方(生产商)采取合适的措施以避免或消除工作场所中的歧视情况 公平报酬 5.1 The auditee complies with the government’s minimum wage legislation or the industry standard approved through collective bargaining (if applicable) 被审核方(生产商)遵循政府的最低工资法案或者经集体谈判批准的行业标准(如适用) 5.6 The auditee ensures that deductions from wages are only taken under the conditions and to the extent prescribed by the law 被审核方(生产商)确保仅根据法律条件和规定扣除工资 体面的工作时间 6.3 The auditee grants workers the right to resting breaks in every working day 被审核方(生产商)赋予工人在工作日休息的权利 6.4 The auditee grants workers the right to at least one day off in every seven days 被审核方(生产商)赋予工人至少每七天休息一天的权利 职业健康与安全 7.12 The auditee respects the workers’ right to remove themselves from imminent danger without seeking permission 被审核方(生产商)遵循工人在无需批准的情况下立即远离迫切风险的权利 7.14 The auditee has installed an adequate amount of firefighting equipment , which works properly 被审核方(生产商)已安装了工作状态良好并且数量充足的消防设备 7.15 The auditee ensures that escape routes, aisles and emergency exits in the production site are easily accessible, clearly marked and not blocked 被审核方(生产商)确保生产场地的逃生路线、走廊和应急出口可易于进入、清晰标记且无堵塞 7.18 The auditee ensures qualified first-aid is available at all times 被审核方(生产商)确保一直能够提供符合要求的急救 7.20 The auditee provides potable water for workers at all times 被审核方(生产商)始终为工人提供饮用水 禁止童工 8.1 The auditee does not engage in illegal child labour directly or indirectly 被审核方(生产商)未直接或间接与非法童工订立合约 未成年工特殊保护 9.2 Young workers’ working hours do not prejudice: 青年工人工时不


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