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分析:注意标点符号和是否有连词是区分定语从句、简单句和并列句的一个关键。 2. as 引导的非限制性定语从句与 it引导的句子 The earth is round, and ____is known to all. ______is known to all, the earth is round. ______is known to all that the earth is round.? A. (I)it ??????????????????? B. A(a)s A B A 3. 定语从句和状语从句 (1) This is such a big stone _______no one can lift it.( 从句) This is such a big stone _______no one can lift. ( 从句) 状语 that as 定语 分析:从引导词来看,状语从句中的that 是连词,在从句中不充当任何成分,而定语从句中的as在从句中要作一个成分(主语,宾语或表语)。 (2) Please put the letter in the drawer where he can easily find it. ( 从句) Please put the letter where he can easily find it. ( 从句) 定语 状语 总结:where前面有被修饰的地点名词时,是定语从句,否则是状语从句。 4. when引导的定语从句与强调句句型。 It was October _______we met in Beijing for the first time.( 句) It was in October _____ we met in Beijing for the first time.( 句) when that 定语从 强调 总结:强调句句型:It is/was+被强调的部分+that/who +其它部分,去掉It is/was…that/who…, 句子照样成立。而定语从句的引导词在句中要作一成分。 解题技巧: 1. 通读全句。首先判断是什么句型。 2. 题干句如果是疑问句式,将其转化为陈述句式。 3. 分析从句的句子结构,在定语从句中,缺什么,就补什么:缺主语或宾语,用关系代词;缺状语,用关系副词 4. 注意标点符号和题干中是否存在并列连词and, but等。 即学即用: 1) Yesterday my physics teacher set such a difficult exam problem ______ none of us worked out.???? A. that????? ????? B. as??? ????????????? C. so that???? ???D. which B 2) Here are players from Japan, some of _________ are our old friends. A. which????? ??B. that??? ??????????? C. whom???? ????? D. them C Thank you 3) It was eleven o’clock ___ they went out of the cinema. A. which??? ????B. that??????? ???? C. when?????? ??D. on which C Unit 5-2 The Attributive Clause (Ⅱ) 关系副词when, where, why引导的定语从句 (一)关系副词where引导的定语从句。 where引导的定语从句其先行词往往是表示地点的名词。 例: China is the only country where wild pandas can be found. This is the house where I lived two years ago. 知识拓展: 1. 关系副词where引导的定语从句可以转换为“介词+which”引导的定语从句。 例: The hotel where we stayed wasn’t clean. =The hotel at which we stayed wasn’t clean. The house where LuXun once lived is being repaired now. =The house in which LuXun once lived


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