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二、宏观经济计量与核算 MEASURING A NATION’S INCOME ? The Circular Flow Richard Stone(理查德·斯通) 1984年获诺贝尔经济学奖。 二战期间,完成《战争财源分析及1938和1940国民收入和支出估计》白皮书。时任英国财政部顾问的凯恩斯感动地说:“我们在一个通过统计的快乐时代中”。 1945年任剑桥大学新成立的应用经济学系的第一任主任。 1950年,受联合国统计委员会委托,出版《国民帐户体系》(SNA),1968年修订后正式出版。 1975年出版《社会和人口统计系统》(SSDS, Towards a system of social and demographic statistics )。 Wassily Leontief(沃西里·里昂惕夫) 1973年获诺贝尔经济学奖。 1906年出生在圣彼得堡,1929年任中国铁道部顾问,1931年进入美国国民经济研究局(NBER),1946年哈佛大学经济学教授。 1941年出版《美国经济结构:1919-1929》,第一次用投入产出法进行经济结构分析。1966年出版《投入产出经济学》。 Gross Domestic Product Gross domestic product (GDP) is a measure of the income and expenditures of an economy. It is the total market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given time period. Important Features of GDP Output is valued at market prices. It records only the value of final goods, not intermediate goods (the value is counted only once). It includes both tangible goods (food, clothing, cars) and intangible services (haircuts, housecleaning, doctor visits). Important Features of GDP It includes goods and services currently produced, not transactions involving goods produced in the past. It measures the value of production within the geographic confines of a country. Important Features of GDP It measures the value of production that takes place within a specific interval of time, usually a year or a quarter (three months). What Is Counted in GDP? GDP includes all items produced in the economy and sold legally in markets. What Is Not Counted in GDP? GDP excludes most items that are produced and consumed at home and that never enter the marketplace. It excludes items produced and sold illicitly, such as illegal drugs. Gross National Product Gross national product (GNP) is the total market value of all final goods and services produced within a given period of time by a nation’s permanent residents, regardless of where they are. Three Other Measures of Income Net National Product (NNP) Personal Income Disposable Personal Income Net N


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