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40.如果在FCC结构中的八面体和四面体位置全部填入原子,它的APF是多少? GIVEN: In the text are given: 4 octahedral (八面体)sites/cell r/R = 0.414 8 tetrahedral (四面体)sites/cell r/R = 0.225 ASSUMPTIONS: Spherical atoms - all sites filled with “perfectly” fitting spherical atoms. SOLUTION: In FCC The volume of the cell atoms is (4/3)πr3 The volume of the octahedral atoms is 4 x (4/3) π(0.414r)3 The volume of the tetrahedral sites is 8 x (4/3) π(0.225r)3 Thus, the APF with all tetrahedral and octahedral sites filled = (cell atom volume + tetrahedral atom volume + octahedral atom volume) / (cell volume) = 间隙原子和尺寸 42.比较BCC结构中的四面体位置和FCC结构八面体位置的数目和尺寸。 SOLUTION: These values are given in the text: r/R or k/R BCC 6 Oct. 0.155 24 Tet. 0.291 FCC 4 Oct. 0.414 8 Tet. 0.225 间隙原子和尺寸 44. 在铁中加入碳形成钢。BCC结构的铁称铁素体,在912℃以下是稳定的,在这温度以上变成FCC结构,称之为奥氏体。你预测哪一种结构能溶解更多碳?对你的答案作出解释。 DATA: Atomic radius of Fe depends on the extent of covalent bonding. It is 1.241A in BCC and 1.269A in FCC. The atomic radius of carbon is 0.77A. ASSUMPTIONS: Spherical atoms; C goes into holes SOLUTION: The radius of the octahedral sites, the larger ones in FCC, is 0.414 x 1.269 = 0.525A The radius of the tetrahedral sites, the larger ones in BCC, is 0.291 x 1.241A = 0.361A Therefore, carbon fits easier into FCC iron; however, there are more tetrahedral sites in BCC (24) than octahedral sites in FCC (4). COMMENTS: We expect the FCC crystal structure to have greater C solubility than the low temperature BCC crystal structure. The maximum solubility of C is 0.02% in BCC iron and 2.1% in FCC iron. 间隙原子和尺寸 45.计算硅的点阵常数。 DATA: Si assumes the diamond cubic structure, which has atoms in the FCC positions and ? the tetrahedral sites filled. The atomic radius of Si is 1.176A. ASSUMPTIONS: Spherical atoms. SKETCH: Showing only a porti
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