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导学图2主题:走进顾客的世界——寻求解决方案。理解客户。 * * 20个问题举例 理解我们的顾客 找出三个顾客群,并向小组成员介绍 消费者、网络运营商和商业政府和工业CGI客户 摩托罗拉在哪些方面机会最多?在利用机会是会有哪些挑战? 聆听我们的顾客 观察所有顾客群,你会如何描述或总结目前的顾客消费热点情况? 响应号召 从顾客观点来看,这种新经营策略的优点是什么? 导学图3主题:走进新的通讯企业——一起为明天工作。要实现转机,唯有变革,从内部组织开始,直到市场策略。 20个问题举例 过程说明 如何将顾客群带领进入我们的通讯世界? 新型通讯企业概览 我们如何在矩阵式组织中合作? 我们主要的核心过程 我们的顾客在客户生命周期中应如何排序? 开始旅程 你认为你看见的“未来状态”的组织结构的优缺点是什么? * * 愿景、使命和战略 组织架构 个人需求和价值观 岗位职责和 任职能力要求 外部环境 领导力 管理实践 工作团队氛围 激励 个人和组织 绩效 价值观和文化 系统、政策和程序 案例二: 中英人寿,组织战略和文化转型 -- Burke-Litwin 组织绩效模型 * Change management deals with large scale, frame-breaking change, and the redirection of management, operating, and human resource processes to support redirection of business strategy, values and behaviors. For most organizations, change is externally driven and a constant factor in doing business. Fundamental shifts in strategy, operations or human resource processes initiated by external industry, environmental or competitive pressures, require fundamental changes in the skills and/or behaviors people bring to their work . Real change occurs first at the individual level, then at the team and enterprise level. The closer the individual’s proximity to change, the greater the perceived impact. As a result, the most effective change strategies focus on behavior, are experiential and involving, and target primarily the individual and team levels. Change management is a leader driven process that builds commitment to change and restores equilibrium within the organization at large. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Change management deals with large scale, frame-breaking change, and the redirection of management, operating, and human resource processes to support redirection of business strategy, values and behaviors. For most organizations, change is externally


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