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花榈木容器育苗的基质筛选-园林 花榈木容器育苗的基质筛选 doi:10.13360/j.issn.1000-8101.2015.04.006中图分类号:S723.1+33 段如雁,韦小丽*,张怡,王樱琳,梁唐艳 (贵州大学林学院 ,贵阳 550025) 摘要:为了筛选出花榈木容器育苗的最优基质配方,采用蛭石、泥炭、珍珠岩为原料设计7种不同基质配方,以黄心土为对照进行容器育苗试验。结果表明:不同配方基质中花榈木容器苗生长差异较大,以蛭石、泥炭、珍珠岩为原料配制的不同轻基质优于黄心土基质培育的容器苗苗木质量,混合基质苗木质量优于单一基质。用6号基质(V泥炭∶V蛭石∶V珍珠岩=2∶1∶1)培育的花榈木苗高、地径、总生物量、苗木质量指数和叶绿素含量等指标均为最大,7号(V泥炭∶V珍珠岩=2∶1)、5号基质(V泥炭∶V蛭石∶V珍珠岩=3∶1∶1)次之。综合考虑生长状况和育苗成本,6号基质(V泥炭∶V蛭石∶V珍珠岩=2∶1∶1)为最适配方基质,可在生产上推广。 关键词 :容器苗;苗木质量;基质配方;筛选;花榈木 Screening on substrate of container seedlings for rare species Ormosia henryi ∥ DUAN Ruyan,WEI Xiaoli,ZHANG Yi, WANG Yinglin, LIANG Tangyan Abstract:To screen the optimal substrate of container seedlings for rare species Ormosia henryi, we conducted the container seedling test by designing seven different substrate formula with peat, vermiculite and perlite, yellow soil as control. The results indicated that the Ormosia henryi container seedlings exhibited obviously various growing situation in different substrate. The seedlings quality in light medium formula combination with peat, vermiculite and perlite was better than that in the yellow soil, the seedling quality in the mixture substrate was superior to that in the substrate single. The height, ground diameter, total biomass, seedling quality index and chlorophyll content of seedlings growing in the No.6 substrate with peat, vermiculite and perlite according to the volume proportions 2∶1∶1 were maximum. The No.7 (Vpeat∶Vperlite=2∶1), No.5 (Vpeat∶Vvermiculite∶Vperlite=3∶1∶1) substrates followed . Considered the growth and seedling costs,the No.6 substrate with peat, vermiculite and perlite according to the volume proportions 2∶1∶1 was the optimum one, it would be popularized and applicated in production. Key words: container seedlings;seedlings quality;substrate formula;screening;Ormosia henryi Authors’ address: College of Forestry, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China 收稿日期:2015-01-08 修回日期:2015-05-10 基金项目:贵州省国际合作项目(黔科合外


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