高一英语必修1课件(外研版):Module 5 Section Ⅳ Grammar Writing.ppt

高一英语必修1课件(外研版):Module 5 Section Ⅳ Grammar Writing.ppt

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①句中用不定式结构作表语,用来解释主语aim的内容。 ②句中to do不定式作目的状语,放在句首,起突出强调的 作用。 ④⑤⑥⑦句中使用了first ...,next ...,after that ...,later ...等过渡词语,使得实验过程清晰,易于理解和操作。 ⑧句中because引导原因状语从句,说明蛋壳消失的原因。 本模块的写作任务是写一篇实验报告。实验报告是对某实验的目的、步骤、现象、结论等进行论述的报告。 一般情况下,实验报告是根据实验步骤和顺序展开来 写的。 1.实验目的 即本次实验所需达到的目标或目的是什么,常用the aim of the experiment is to ...来表示。 2.实验用品 写出实验用品,应分类罗列,不能遗漏,常用句型:To carry out/do/perform the experiment, you need the following things: … 3.实验步骤 根据具体的实验目的和原理,写出主要的操作步骤。写作过程中可适当使用表示顺序的词语,使叙述有条理,清楚明了,如first ...,second ...,next ...,and then ..., finally...等。 4.实验结果 如实正确地记录实验现象或数据。 5.实验结论 对于所进行的操作和得到的相关现象运用已知的知识去分析和解释,得出结论。 注意:时态通常采用现在时,而且多使用祈使句,特别是在介绍实验步骤时。 1.描写实验的词汇 实验目的:aim, purpose, in order to 实验过程:method,firstly,secondly,lastly,heat,boil,fill,add ...to, measure, weigh 实验用品:substances, apparatus,equipment,test tube,test tube holder, balance, liquid/solid/gas 实验结果:result,conclusion,rust,in a word,find out,in conclusion [黄金表达] 2.常用句型 ①Below is a description of a simple scientific experiment. ②It aims to show us ... ③To find out if ..., we carried out this experiment. ④Leave the tube for one week. ⑤Boil the water for three minutes. ⑥Put ...at the bottom of the test tube. ⑦Half-fill ...with ... ⑧Put two or three nails in the water. ⑨Add some oil to the water. ⑩This will keep air out of the water. 返回 考点精析 语法讲座 Section Ⅳ Grammar Writing 专题练习 写作讲座 佳作观摩 技法指导 专题练习 Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab 一、英语倍数表达法 1.倍数表达法的三个常用句型 (1)...times as+原级+as ... The concert hall is four times as large as that one. 这个音乐厅是那个的四倍大。 [考题印证1] (2011·陕西高考)The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be ______ the present one. A.as three times big as      B.three times as big as C.as big as three times D.as big three times as 解析:考查倍数表达法。英语中常见的表达倍数的句型有:①...times+as+adj./adv. (原级)+as ...; ②...times+adj./adv.(比较级)+than ...; ③...times+the length/width/...+of ...。故B项符合。 答案:B (2).


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