高一英语必修1课件(外研版):Module 5 Section Ⅲ Other Parts of the Module.ppt

高一英语必修1课件(外研版):Module 5 Section Ⅲ Other Parts of the Module.ppt

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(二)归纳拓展全析考点 be proud to do sth.   自豪地做…… ,因做…… 而感到自豪 pride n. 骄傲,自豪 with pride (= proudly) 骄傲地,自豪地 take pride in ...(= be proud of ...) 为……感到自豪 ①Im proud to say that we made the right decision. 我很自豪地说我们做出了正确的决定。 ②She takes (a) pride her handsome sons. = She is proud of her handsome sons. 她以她英俊的儿子们为骄傲。 in 3. be supposed to do sth.应当,理应(表示被期望或被要求做 某事) (教材原句)Im going to try to go to either Montreal or Ottawa University, as both are supposed to have good Physics Departments. 我打算上蒙特利尔大学或渥太华大学,因为这两所大学应该都有很好的物理系。 (1)应当,理应,按理说 ①You are supposed to shake hands when you meet someone for the first time in China. 在中国你与他人第一次见面时,你们应该握手。 ②We are supposed to be at school by 7:20 on school days. 在上学的日子,我们应该在7:20之前到校。 (2)旨在 ③This law help the poor. 这条法律旨在帮助穷人。 is supposed to 4.used to (过去)常常 (一)背诵佳句培养语感 (教材原句)I never used to enjoy science, but last year I changed schools, and the science teachers at my new school are excellent. 以前我从不喜欢理科,但是去年我转学了,新学校的理科老师很棒。 (鲜活例句)He used to work in the factory, but not any longer now. 他过去在这家工厂工作,但现在不了。 (二)归纳拓展全析考点 be used to doing sth.      习惯于做某事 be used to do sth. 被用于做某事 ①Bamboo can be used to build houses. 竹子可用来建造房屋。 ②Mr.White used to live in China, so he is used to Chinese dishes. 怀特先生过去住在中国,所以习惯吃中国菜。 eat- ing (三)明辨易混失误防范 比较 used to, would used to 含义为“现在不再是这样了”,强调过去和现在对比,既表示动作又表示状态 would 表示过去习惯性动作时,强调特定情况下的 “倾向”,可用来表示过去反复出现的动作,但不能表示过去存在的状态 用used to和would填空 ③Whenever I was in trouble, he help me. ④I drink black tea, but now I drink green tea. would used to 1.[句型展示]  ! 轮到你了! [典例背诵] Its your turn to tell a story. 轮到你讲故事了。 2.[句型展示]  books I read, information I learn. 我读的书越多,我了解的信息就越多。 [典例背诵] The earlier you start, the sooner youll be back. 你出发得越早,回来得就越早。 The more the more It is your turn 3.[句型展示] Im going to try to go to Montreal Ottawa University,as



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