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Would You Marry Me? * Word List bride 新娘 groom/bridegroom 新郎 priest 牧师 bridesmaid 伴娘 best man 伴郎 bachelor 单身汉 spouse 配偶 wedded wife/husband 已结婚的妻子/丈夫 wedding vows 结婚誓词 bridal gown 结婚礼服(婚纱) veil 面纱 bouquet 捧花 ceremony 仪式 Reception(仪式后)招待会 Differences between traditional Chinese and Western Wedding Wedding Location Wedding dress Wedding processes Related activities Wedding Location 佳 The wedding ceremony hold in the hall of a hotel or in the home of the groom in China. The wedding ceremony hold in a church or outdoor in a western country, presided by a priest. Wedding Dress Chinese: the dominant tone is red Bride:a chaplet and official robes (凤冠霞帔) Bridegroom: Champion robes(状元服) The bride will wear a white bridal gown and holding a bouquet. There are four trational things in western wedding. Something Old continuity with the brides family and the past. Something New optimism and hope for the brides new life ahead Something Borrowed an item from a happily married friend or family member, whose good fortune in marriage is supposed to carry over to the new bride. Something Blue love, modesty, and fidelity Wedding Processes Chinese traditional wedding Step1: Proposing 做媒 Step2:Engagement订亲 Step3:Betrothal presents 聘礼 Step4:meeting the bride 迎娶 Step5:wedding ceremony 婚礼仪式 一拜天地 1 bow to the heaven and earth . 二拜高堂 2 bow to their parents 夫妻对拜 3 bow to each other When the new couple bow to the parents and serve tea to the parents, the parents would give the couple red packets with money or something valuable. wedding ceremony 婚礼仪式 Drinking wedlock wine * * The host declares the beginning of the ceremony. The brides father takes the bride to the groom. The host asked the guests whether there are any objection to their marriage and if each of the couple is willing to marry. Each of them recites his or her marriage vows(



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