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HCY和CysC在类风湿患者心脏损害中的临床研宄 王贯宇1金锋2吴煜龙3宋新梅4王建国5通讯 吴敬峰6张帆7 田君红8 衡水市消防支队卫生队河北衡水053000; 保定市法医医院骨科河北保定071000; 保定市消防支队卫生队河北保定071000; 保定市第二医院河北保定071000; 河北大学附属医院河北保定071000; 保定市第二医院河北保定071000; 保定市第二医院河北保定071000; 保定市蠡县县医院河北保定071000 】目的:探讨HCY和CysC联合检测在类风湿关节炎患者合并心脏 损害中的应用价值,为预测RA合并心脏损害及诊治提供参考依据。方法:收集 2010年至2013年间类风湿关节炎患者89例患者的血清,按有无心脏损害分为 两组。结果:RA有心脏损害的发病率为37.1%,其血清HCY和CysC水平明显高 于其它两组血清水平,经统计学分析,其差异具有统计学意义(plt;0.05);而 RA无心脏损害组和健康对照组比较,经统计学分析,其差异无统计学意义 (pgt;0.05)o结论:检测RA患者血清HC丫和CysC水平,在预测心脏损害方面 具有重要价值,为临床诊治提供重要参考,值得在临床推广应用。 关键词】同型半胱氨酸;胱抑素C;类风湿性关节炎;心脏损害 】R799 】B 】1674-8999 ( 2015) 8-0281-02 Clinical research of HCY and Cys C in the cardiac damage of patients with rheumatoid WU Yulongl, SONG Xinmei2, WANG Jianguo3, (1.Logistics of Office of Public Security Fire Control Detachment of Baoding,Baoding 071000; 2.The Second Hospital of BaodingBaoding 071000 3.Affiliated Hospital of Hebei University,Baoding 071000) Abstract】 Objective: To study the application value of HCY and Cys C in the cardiac damage of patients with rheumatoid and to provide a reference basis for the prediction of diagnosis and treatment of RA with cardiac damage.Methods: Collected the serum of 89 patients of rheumatoid arthritis between 2010 and 2013, and detected the level of HCY and Cys C in serum with machine.They were divided into two groups,one group was patients of cardiac damage with rheumatoid and the other group was no cardiac damage.results: The incidence of RA with cardiac damage is 37.1%. The level of HCY and Cys C in cardiac damage is significantly higher than the other two groups, There was significant differences in comparison between the group of cardiac damage and the other two groups to the concentration of HCY and Cys C (plt;0.05) ;There was no significant differences in comparison between the group of no cardiac damage with rheumatoid and the healthy groups to the concentration of HCY and Cys C(plt;0.05).Conclusion:There was important value in predicting cardiac damage to detect the le



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