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PAGE 郑州大学西亚斯国际学院 本科毕业设计(论文) 题 目 接力切换与硬切换在移动通信中的应用 指导教师 XXXXX 职称 助教(硕士) 学生姓名 XX 学号 200XXX4 专 业 通信工程 班级 通信一班 院 (系) 电子信息工程学院 电子工程系 完成时间 2011年4月15日 PAGE I 接力切换与硬切换在移动通信中的应用 摘 要 移动通信从20世纪80年代大规模投入商用以来,已经经历了从模拟通信向数字通信的转变。随着移动通信的飞速发展,传统的以话音和低速数据业务为主的第二代地面移动通信系统己逐渐不能满足人们的要求,而新兴的数据和多媒体业务,如Email、视频传输、文件下载等将成为移动通信中不可或缺的业务组成。TD-SCDMA是由我国提出的拥有自主知识产权的第三代移动通信标准,是ITU认可的三大主流标准之一。国家对TD-SCDMA的投入逐渐加大,政策的鼓励必将对TD-SCDMA整个产业的发展起到巨大的推动作用,对TD-SCDMA的研究已成为通信领域的研究热点。本文先介绍了切换的分类,切换优化的标尺,切换相关的参数等,然后通过作者自身的网络优化实践总结出一般性切换类问题的解决流程。通过各类参数的调整来达到TD-SCDMA切换成功率的提升。在数据分析中,通过学习TD-SCDMA网络系统的标准,结合实际环境,对发生问题的区域数据进行分析,找出问题所在,并提出解决方案,谨慎实施方案,进行路测跟踪,确认问题是否得到解决。 关键字 TD-SCDMA/切换成功率/优化 Relay handoff and hard handoff applications in system for mobile communications ABSTRACT Mobile communication has already experienced big transformation from the analog communications to the digital communication since 1980s it is large-scale invested in commercial. Along with the mobile communication rapid development, the traditional 2nd Generation communication system has not been able to meet people’s request gradually because of the primary services of the voice and the low-speed data, but the emerging data and the multimedia service, such as Email, video transmission, document downloading and so on, will become the indispensable service composition in the mobile communication.TD-SCDMA is Chinas independent intellectual property rights of third-generation mobile communication standard. It is the ITU approved the three main criteria. State investment in TD-SCDMA gradually increased, the policy of the TD-SCDMA will encourage the whole industry has played a huge role in promoting research on TD-SCDMA has become a hot research field of communications. Firstly, This article describes the change of classification, optimization of the ruler to handover, handover-related parameters, and its network optimization through the pra



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