《Boost型功率因数校正电路及其控制系统设计》 (1)》-毕业论文.doc

《Boost型功率因数校正电路及其控制系统设计》 (1)》-毕业论文.doc

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摘要 近几十年来,由于大功率电力电子装置的广泛使用,使公用电网受到谐波电流和谐波电压的污染日益严重,功率因数低,电能利用率低。为了抑制电网的谐波,提高功率因数,人们通常采用无功补偿﹑有源﹑无源滤波器等对电网环境进行改善。近年来,功率因数校正技术作为抑制谐波电流,提高功率因数的行之有效的方法,备受人们关注。 功率因数校正(简称PFC)技术是电力电子技术的重要组成部分,并已经在越来越多的领域得到应用。上世纪九十年代以来,PFC控制技术越来越多的引起人们的关注。许多控制策略运用于PFC电路中,如平均电流控制﹑峰值电流控制﹑滞环控制等。 本文在参阅国内为大量文献的基础上,综合了近年来国内外功率因数校正的发展状况,简要分析了无源功率因数与有源功率因数的优﹑缺点,并详细分析了有源功率因数校正的基本原理和控制方法,选择BOOST变换器为主电路拓扑,采用平均电流控制的UC3854A控制器。 本文功率因数校正电路的设计,使电路的功率因数得到了明显改善,达到了设计要求,同时电路的总谐波畸变因数控制在了一定的范围,减少了对电网的污染。根据参数,基于PAPICE环境下对功率因数前后的电路进行了仿真。 关键词 功率因数校正 BOOST变换器 平均电流控制 仿真 Abstract The harmonic for voltage and current,lower power factor and lower power efficiency of public power system is serious increasingly because of much big power electronic equipment in resent years.Usually,reactive compensation,filters for active of power system.But the power factor correction technique is research because it is an effective method to control harmonic and improve power factor by recent years. Nowadays PFC(Power Factor Correction)inverters that are being used in many filds play an important role in the life.It is used in many applications.During the last decade, there has being a large interest in PFC.Many control methods are explored,including average control, peak current control,hysteretic control,etc. The development for power factor correction both here and abroad in recent years is summarized and the good and bad characteristics for reactive and active power factor correction is analyzed briefly and the basic principle and control methods of active power factor correction is analyzed detailed after read a mass of literatures both here and abroad.The main BOOST converter and UC3854 controller is designed and elements of main and control circuit. The power factor of circuit is improved obviously and satisfied design require after power factor correction and the total harmonic distortion for current is controlled in a band,so the harmonic for voltage and current is reduced.The cicuit was simulated based on MATLAB acc



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